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    Gebr. Bach GmbH Elektro-Wärmetechnik

    Hamburger Str. 4b


    +49 3624 3073-0

    General Information Flat heating elements are used primarily for heating dies used in the industrial sector, in particular dies for processing plastics. They may also be implemented to heat all metallic containers and troughs that have flat external surfaces and are used in the industrial sector. Any other possible uses must be clarified with the manufacturer who must give his express approval. Operating Conditions and Safety Instructions The maximum operating temperature is 300°C. It is necessary to make sure that the relevant fire safety instructions are observed and the appropriate safety precautions have been taken. Both the flat heating element and the material to be heated may not be subjected to any critical conditions (such as fire, explosion, formation of smoke and gas, etc.). Only suitable heat-resistant cable sets may be used due to the high temperatures. It is also necessary to ensure that sufficient protection is provided against contact, dust and moisture. The maximum surface load of the heating elements may not exceed 3.5 W/cm². Nonconforming installation and incorrect selection of control equipment may result in defects and accidents. Any other conditions of use or diverting from the intended use must be clarified with the manufacturer who must give his express approval. Otherwise the warranty is void and no liability will be assumed. Installation Instructions The flat heating element must be mounted so that it fits the form of the die to be heated in such a way that the heater and the surface to be heated are firmly connected to each other. To this end, use the supplied steel pressure plate. Mechanical damages due to external influences must be prevented without fail. In case the connection is not form-fitting, the flat heating element will be destroyed by overheating. Electrical Installation The heater may only be installed by an authorized electrician or qualified personnel who have had proper instruction. Make sure that the indicated operating voltage matches the supply voltage. Heat-resistant cabling must be used for all connections (see Operating Conditions and Safety Instructions). Cables must be installed in such a way that they do not come in contact with sharp-edged metal parts or hot surfaces.

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